Life Stories

Life Stories Conversations - 4 Films

Preparing for the Life Stories 2020 exhibition, Professor Erin Campbell sat down with seven artists, curators and scholars from the University of Victoria to explore Life Stories and experiences over the life course. Here are just a few of their stories:

Childhood: Nature, Ecologies, and Life Stages

Coming of Age: Technology, Puberty, and Gender

“A Good Old Age”: Diversity, Sexuality, and Memory

We are All Connected: Family, Generations, Ancestors

Scholars Featured (alphabetically):

  • Maureen Bradley, MFA (Film Studies, Dept. of Writing)
  • Erin Campbell, PhD (Art History & Visual Studies)
  • Neena Chappell, PhD, FRSC, CM (Centre on Aging)
  • Aaron Devor, PhD (Chair in Transgender Studies)
  • Ulrich Mueller, PhD (Dept. of Psychology)
  • Leah Tidey, PhD (Applied Theatre)
  • Lorilee Wastasecoot, BA (Legacy Art Gallery)
  • Victoria Wyatt, PhD (Art History & Visual Studies)


  • Directed by Erin Campbell, PhD
  • Assistant Director: Holly Cecil, MA
  • Camera, Editing: Holly Cecil
  • Sound Technician: Siena Cecil
  • Additional Editing: Erin Campbell and Jaiya Anka
  • Music: Kai Engel, “Changing Reality,” from the album Better Way (2016). (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Additional Footage:

  • “You’re Doing What? At Your Age?” Directed by Leah Tidey, 2019.
  • “Sooke Nature Kindergarten ‘Glimpse’” by Graham Giles, 2013. With thanks to staff and students of the 2013 Sooke Nature Kindergarten at Sangster Elementary School, especially Lisa Lockerbie and Erin Van Stone, as well as Frances Krusekopf, Enid Elliot and Graham Giles.

  • University of Victoria

A Note from the Curators:

The diversity of Life Stories is necessarily shaped by the scope of the University of Victoria art collections. We invite visitors to view the exhibition objects on display in conjunction with other aspects such as the four short films: Life Stories Conversations. These films allow us to bring in more diverse perspectives that were not possible to capture through the objects available to us. The filmed conversations explore topics such as complexities of identities and ages, societal factors, and the diversity of life experiences.

We sought to engage a diversity of experiences and perspectives through multiple installations, including the Interactive Guest Book; 'Related Repose' by artist Elly Heise in The Bed Room; and the Anthropology of Sound student soundscapes, which were projected onto the exterior of the Legacy Gallery at night. Moreover, while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information for the objects on display, and to embrace best practices for decolonization, we invite feedback from visitors to this site to support the continuous process of updating, modernizing, and decolonizing our sources of information. Additional University of Victoria resources include:

Transgender Archives

  • The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria is committed to the preservation of the history of pioneering activists, community leaders, and researchers who have contributed to the betterment of trans, nonbinary, Two-Spirit, and other gender-diverse people.

Office of Indigenous Academic & Community Engagement (IACE)

  • IACE's main responsibility is supporting Indigenous students, but the office has taken on many other roles as well. Current roles include managing the First Peoples House, building and supporting Indigenous partnerships, and ensuring that Indigenous content and ways of knowing are included in UVic curriculum and events.

360 degree view: